
Over the last 17 years, we’ve produced some groundbreaking content for our clients.

Great content deserves celebrating. On this page, you’ll find samples of published projects, and excerpts from long-form features. Our portfolio includes many thousands of published articles, from opinion pieces and advertorial content to technical writing and product reviews. The diversity of these features reflects the numerous industries G75 Media covers, from technology to travel and tourism. It also demonstrates the different types of material we can create on your behalf.

If you’d like to read more, right-click on your chosen feature to download a high-resolution graphic. Alternatively, get in touch with us to request full transcripts of longer features…

Magazine article discussing the frosty relationship between football clubs and the media
The legalities of using drones to capture residential property photography
Road test review of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain
A six-page guide to property investments (first two pages shown)
A patient newsletter for a national chain of opticians (inside pages shown)
A travel article reviewing Glasgow’s ‘House for an Art Lover’ museum

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